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April 1, 2000 San Diego, CaliforniaIntegraSys Announces Release of ORSuite® for use with ORACLE Database Servers.

IntegraSys, a leading developer of perioperative information management systems for hospitals, announces that it now includes ORACLE on the list of database servers for which its database-independent ORSuite® product line is compatible.

The flexibility of being able to accommodate hospitals with ORSuite®regardless of whether the computer department supports ORACLE, MS-SQL Server, SQL Sybase, or IBM DB2 we believe gives IntegraSys a tremendous market advantage,” states Tom Hickman, President and CEO.

Mr. Hickman adds “In addition, the fact that we have a single set of executables that operate in either database environment simplifies the support process and enhances our ability to deliver product updates to our customers”.

To learn more about ORSuite® for ORACLE from IntegraSys visit the company web site at, contact the company at (865) 622-7432 or e-mail.