Historical Case Times for Optimized Scheduling
ORSuite® Overview
Graphic Schedule Screen
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Historical Case Times
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HTML Help System
The user defines a series of surgical point-of-care times to be recorded during each case. The differences in duration between these times (or “intervals rolex replica sale are stored individually, as well as as total case durations. These total case durations are then used to calculate averages. User-driven criteria are then applied to the averages resulting in times to be used as “estimatorsof the time required for future cases. The logic used to retrieve, restrict, and sort the case durations, as well as to calculate historical averages, is defined by a number of site-specific values input by the user.

When a surgeon has not performed a procedure, and therefore has no history, the system defaults to the procedure averages for any surgeon that has performed the procedure, and the estimator used swiss replica watches will be the one obtained the last time the historical times were processed.

Pictured below is an rolex replica example of the Historical Times screens where averages can be calculated based on surgeons and procedures.